Tattoos are Permanent so lets take care of it.
Your Tattoo is an open wound for the first 3 days or so, please be careful.
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching a healing tattoo.
- Take bandage off after 2 to 3 hours.
Do not re-bandage.With freshly washed hands, wash your tattoo with Luke warm water and anti-bacterial mild liquid pump soap “Dial or Softsoap”, NO bar soap. Use your clean hands to gently wash your tattoo. Do Not scrub or use washcloth.
Rinse tattoo of excess ointment and fluids.
Gently pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel until it stays dry.
- Allow the tattoo to stay clean and air dry 10 minutes before applying a small amount of ointment.
A brand new Tube of Aquaphor is generally best. A Very thin coat is all thats needed, so sparingly so it has a dull shine. Do not use or share other peoples tube of Aquaphor.
A NEW Fresh tube specifically for your tattoo is a must.
- Repeat the cycle of washing, drying, and ointment application twice a day for the first 3 to 5 days, until your tattoo is fully healed. Then you can switch to unscented lotion, like “Curel”
There should be a thin flaking which will peel after around 3 to 4 days. This is normal to healing, and can appear black or colored flakes.
•Do not pick, scratch, or peel your new tattoo.
•Do not expose your tattoo to excessive wind, direct sunlight, or tanning beds for 2 weeks.
•Do not submerge your tattoo for at least 2 weeks. No hot baths, hot tubs, hotsprings, swimming, or saunas.
Showers are fine, just not too hot while healing. Wash tattoo in shower separately with luke warm water.
•Do not wear tight clothing or synthetic materials over your tattoo until fully healed.
100% cotton such as t-shirt etc worn loosly over area is best.
•Do Not let sweat stay on Tattoo! Wash it off ASAP. Avoid excessive sweating and gym equipment for the first week.
•Do not exercise in the first few days.
You should immediately wash the tattoo after any exercising during the next two weeks. Sweat carries all the dirt and bacteria on your skin and it is not good to leave it on your healing tattoo.
•Contact with pet fur should be avoided on tattoo during the healing period. Be careful about where pet fur is and how it can come in contact with your tattoo (couch arms, bed sheets).
•Your tattoo healing time is 10 to 15 days on average.
Consult with a health care provider if any signs of allergic reaction or infection appear.
These signs include but are not limited to: increased redness or swelling, the tattoo is painful to the touch, a prolonged fever in the procedure area, and or the discharge from the tattoo, becomes green or yellowish in colour often accompanied with a foul odor.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact your tattoo artist at the following.
-Zombie Custom Tattoo LLC-